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Webgis Geoportal

Webgis Banking Insurance Appplication

WebGIS Geoportal is a web-based platform that allows users to create, manage and share interactive maps, upload and manage spatial and non-spatial data, perform geographic analysis online, and collaborate on spatial data management and analysis.

Webgis Utilitas

Webgis Utilitas

WebGIS application that displays data such as utilities and telecommunications cable network telecommunications and data utility in a spatial area.

Webgis Simpotenda

Webgis Simpotenda

WebGIS Simpotenda is Web-based regional potential information system for e-Government support

This application is part of the website of the Provincial, District or city which easily accessible to the general public via the Internet.

Webgis Marketing (Retail Business)

Webgis Marketing

Spatially enabled application for market analysis and decision support system. Applications may be middleware (application support) or self-service user associated with the database application.




Intelligent Vehicle Tracking System is an Web-based intelligent information system to monitor vehicles or vessels movement, the information obtained from this system is the vehicle's position in real-time or objects that can be linked to a central reporting system data online

Webgis for Intelligence Agency

Webgis for Retail Business

Application to support map related activities reporting commonly conducted by intelligence agency.

In the era of information technology as now, all the information can develop so fast continuously in real time, it also doesn't close the development of intelligence information that requires a variety of information quickly and in real time.

Banking Insurance Application

Webgis Banking Insurance Appplication

Banking Insurance Application is an Application for banking life insurance management. This application was created to make it easier for a broker, bank or insurance itself in the process and data analysis.

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